Sunday 16 June 2013

Omg! Scary!

 I'm gonna be gone tomorrow! By 9a.m I will be on an airplane on my way to Greece. Oh and by the way, I absolutely hate airplanes so I am not quite sure how I'm gonna survive. Wish me luck? Let me just show you how excited I am, in a word.


 And the word is: OMG!

 It's not even a word.


Monday 3 June 2013


It was pretty good.

Now I'm at school with MOLLYYYYYYY! Who's going to see One Direction. And I'm going to Greece for two weeks and there will be:
  1. No signal - can't text or call
  2. No wifi - can't use Facebook
  3. No school - YAY!!

Thursday 30 May 2013


Sorry I haven't been on in ages!! I will get Bryony to post too.

This weekend, me and Bry are having a


Yeah that's right I gave "sleepover" it's own line.

So yeah, I will definitely update you on that on Sunday, or Monday afternoon, whenever I get chance.



Monday 8 April 2013

Im Bored

I am bored
Save me someone
Go comment on my blog
Thank you,
And goodbye!

Sunday 7 April 2013


Hey guys it's Abbie!

Well Bryony's been getting some really bad hate, I've blocked out any rude words or personal thing (last names etc.) so yeah...

This is the hater's first attempt. (The hater is in bold.)
The second attempt is the bottom one and the third attempt is the top one.
I don't know how ANYONE can hate on someone as lovely as Bryony. The worst thing is, I think I know who it is, and if it is them I'm going to knock them out.

Please comment about what you think of this hater, although Bryony's retaliations aren't exactly kind I don't expect them to be!!


Sunday 31 March 2013

Avril Lavigne, Oreos and Bryony

Hey guys, I'm not bothered about the writing anymore :p

Anyway today I'mma talk about 3 things I can't live without:

1) Avril Lavigne
This girl is my role model. I love every single one of her beautiful songs, they always put me in a great mood and I can't stop listening to her. I love her clothing line and I am totally going to buy some of her designs. I definitely can't live without her music, though. It's hard to believe she's older than Adele.

2. Oreos
My favourite chocolate cookies...I think the food industry (me trying to sound posh there) should invent Oreo Easter eggs. I mean, KFC have invented Oreo Krushems and Malteser Krushems, and they've invented the Malteser Easter egg, so how hard is it to make an Easter egg and stuff a couple of packets of mini Oreos in there?

3. Bryony
Wow. Where do I start? Bryony is...amazing, beautiful, cool, delightful, epic, funny, gorgeous, hilarious, imaginative, joyous, kind, lovely, magnificent, nice, obedient, patient, quirky, responsible, super, trustworthy, upbeat, valuable, wonderful, xtra special (hehe), youthful and zealous! And I do know what zealous means, it means enthusiastic okay Bry!! Obviously I don't have a large enough vocabulary to do one for 'x' but it's true that you're xtra special too. We've only known each other for a year, but we've done so much that even a couple of words like "Tom Daley", "Scrabble", "Dean" or "Shopping" brings back memories of the stupid, funny, random things we've done together. If I didn't have Bryony, Tom Daley would just be a person, Scrabble would be a boring game, Dean would be a random name and Shopping would be something to pass the time occasionally.

Okay, I'm done now, but remember that I wouldn't have made this blog without the three above things :D


Saturday 30 March 2013

Abbie and Brys Blog

hí guчs, ít's αввíє  hєrє :)

í just wαntєd tσ gívє чσu αll thє línk tσ mч вlσg, αввчsrαndσmвlσg.вlσgspσt.cσ.uk (plєαsє dσn't cσpч αnd pαstє ít вєcαusє ít wσn't wσrk ín thє wrítíng í αm usíng!), sσ чσu cσuld víєw thαt tσσ вєcαusє thαt ís mч σffícíαl вlσg. αnчwαч вєcαusє í cσuldn't wσrk σut hσw tσ αdd nєw fσnts tσ вlσggєr, í'm mαkíng dσ wíth www.shєrv.nєt/wєírdmαkєr (αgαín plєαsє dσn't cσpч αnd pαstє ít вєcαusє ít wσn't wσrk ín thє wrítíng í αm usíng!) whích ís sєcσnd вєst.

í hσpє чσu líkє σur вlσg, вrчσnч wíll pσst sσσn whєn shє fínds σut hσw! вtw вrчσnч's mσvíєstαrplαnєt nαmє ís HєчJєssíє2013, αnd mínє ís ххαвsíєхх!


i dont know how to make a new blog so ill put it on here... 

Hey guys its bry here 

i just wanted to say that easters tomorrow hope everyone has a nice day also i like pie :3 
